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About Us

     Ecocuriean, Inc. is a media and management consulting firm that provides evidence-based communications strategy and develops content to encourage pro-social behavior. Founded by Media Psychologist, Dr. Susan J. Eddington, we believe that travel and play are ideal tools to contribute to well-being. We’re committed to being a primary source for information about socially conscious leisure and tourism. We deliver engaging storytelling across all platforms including digital, broadcast, augmented reality, virtual reality and experiential.  Our storytelling is a guide to unique and memorable  experiences to captivate and motivate our audience as we earn their trust, and build brand equity for our company and our partners. Our events are a reflection of our commitment to socially conscious leisure.

     At Ecocuriean Traveler, we recognize that tourism can be a primary weapon in the fight against poverty. Our focus is on sustainable tourism, culinary tourism, and tourism to improve wellness and well-being. We believe our work and play should matter. The UNWTO defines sustainable tourism as, "Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities". With its focus on benefiting host communities and local residents, sustainable tourism is a tremendous tool for improving the lives of large segments of the local population, including those who aren't highly skilled.  


“The decision to live sustainably isn’t about sacrifice, it’s about choices and knowing your options. Whether it's for business or pleasure, socially conscious travelers who adopt an Ecocuriean mindset can blend their values into their leisure activities. We want to be a guide to what's possible." 


Dr. S. J. Eddington, Chief Visionary

Live, love, and give passionately!
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